Publications by Date

What is a Military Wedding?

What is a Military Wedding?

Military weddings are unique compared to non-military weddings. They differ in some aspects, including the dress code,...

Military Marriage Benefits

Military Marriage Benefits

Military marriage benefits go beyond the ordinary perks associated with regular, non-military marriages. Understanding...

How A Prenup Affects A Will

How A Prenup Affects A Will

What do wills and prenups have in common? They’re both important pieces of financial planning, of course! Whether you...

Prenup Notary Cost

Prenup Notary Cost

In the grand scheme of wedding preparations, the last thing you need is another expense haunting your "to-buy" list....

What Is A Notary Public?

What Is A Notary Public?

Ever wondered about the individual behind the notarization process? Enter the Notary Public, a state-appointed...