Your Views On Life = Your Views On Money

Dec 3, 2021 | Florida Prenuptial Agreements, Relationships, Second Marriages

Did you know that your spending and financial habits closely mirror your views on life? You may believe that your views on money have no direct correlation to other aspects of your life, but maybe you aren’t looking closely enough. Your views on money likely run parallel to how you approach life. This becomes increasingly evident when you have a partner with vastly different views. Before getting engaged, it is important to take some time to analyze your soon-to-be spouse’s view on money, and how those life views play into your relationship dynamic.

Reckless Ron

The Reckless Spender is as wild as you would imagine- think impulse shopping, constant living outside their means, racking up credit card debt, and completely disregarding any budgets. YOLO, right? Umm, maybe. But if that reckless spending is putting your financial security at risk, and let’s be real here, it probably is, that life view can quickly backfire. At the end of the day, if you end up deeply in debt or find yourself with the constant need to live paycheck to paycheck, you won’t feel so free spirited after all.

Flexible Fred

Flexibility is a good thing when it comes to approaching life in general — and money! Flexible Fred is the money personality that is able to roll with the punches and pivot as needed. Why is this such a good thing? When you’re flexible about finances, it typically means that you have your priorities in line, while still allowing yourself to enjoy travel, shopping, and spontaneous meals out when you want to. When you or your partner has a flexible view on life and money, it can be easy to adapt your behavior to what is in your best interest.

Conservative Chrissy

If you, Conservative Chrissy are a tightwad, you’re probably more uptight in general. Don’t take that too personally of course-  there are a lot of positives to being disciplined. Focusing on saving money, living within your means, investing strategically, and creating a secure life is going to give you great opportunity and many options later on. However, life can get a little boring at times. If either you or your partner are a Conservative Chrissy, you might tease each other for being a snooze fest every now and then. Having a conservative outlook on money and life definitely has its pros in the long run, just be sure not to miss out on too much of life in the process.

Related read: Want to know how to bring up a prenup without upsetting your partner? We have thoughts. Read about our prenup clauses here. 

Is there an ideal approach to money?

Just like most things in life, the answer isn’t black and white. Although having polarized views on money is definitely not ideal in a marriage, it’s not the end of the world. A prenup, for example, is a great way to protect yourself if you’re conservative and a dedicated saver, meanwhile your partner throws money everywhere, acting recklessly.  However, having a partner who lives on the edge can be fun once in a while, prompting you to live a little looser every once in a while. Just make sure you feel secure- this is paramount when it comes to finances.

While it’s easy to say that the best outcome is for both you and your partner to have the same views on money, that’s not always true. Balance is important. If you both spend recklessly, you could find yourself in constant financial pickles. Meanwhile, if you’re both super conservative about life and spending, you can miss out on some pretty special life experiences. As usual, the beauty is often in grey — particularly when you’re communicating about finances every step of the way.

Related read: Want to know what are the predictors of a happy marriage?

You are writing your life story. Get on the same page with a prenup. For love that lasts a lifetime, preparation is key. Safeguard your shared tomorrows, starting today.
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