In-laws + Wedding Planning + New Year

Dec 20, 2021 | Uncategorized

Some people can’t wait to begin wedding planning. Others find the process totally daunting. Regardless of where you stand, wedding planning is notoriously stressful– And wedding planning during the holidays can be even more overwhelming. Unfortunately, you may need to prepare yourself for lots of questions, suggestions, advice, and unwanted input from your loved ones as you gather around to celebrate.

Talk to your fiancé

One of the most important things you can do is talk to your fiancé in advance to make sure you’re on the same page. Have a game-plan in mind. For example, do you both want to discuss the wedding with friends and family? Are you open to advice? Are there details you don’t want
to share? Make sure the two of you know where you stand going into the holidays and approach things as a team.

Set boundaries

It can be difficult to set boundaries, but it is an important part of life. Know that it is okay to change the topic of discussion or even shut down the conversation. Simply excuse yourself by refilling your drink or gently say, “we’re not discussing wedding plans over the holidays, but I’d love your input later on!”

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Leave the wedding planning for later

In reference to our last point, it may be a good idea to leave the wedding planning at the door as you enter the holiday season and new year. The holidays are a time to rest and rejuvenate, spend time with your loved ones, participate in old traditions and make new ones. You are entitled to take a break from wedding planning to focus on yourself, your fiancé, and your family. A small break from wedding planning can ease lots of stress, help you feel reinvigorated once you jump back into planning, and it is a great excuse to avoid discussing your plans.

Take time for yourself

Some people work best under pressure, or have impending deadlines. As a result, you may not be able to take a break from wedding planning during the holiday season. Regardless, it is important to remember to take time for yourself. In fact, one of the most stressful parts of the holidays can be the lack of alone time. You may have family members staying in your house, or a tightly packed schedule. It’s OK to duck out for a while to practice self-care. Treat yourself to a lunch-time massage or a movie night with your fiancé, and be sure to take a few minutes to just breathe deeply and decompress. Are you addicted to love?

Take it from where it comes

Your family members and in-laws aren’t trying to intrude– they’re simply excited for you! Try to remember this if, or when, they start getting on your nerves. Plus, opening yourself up to advice can be a great thing. Listening to your loved ones can give you ideas you hadn’t yet considered! We find wedding inspo on Pinterest and Instagram, why not turn to friends and family for creative and sentimental ideas?

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You are writing your life story. Get on the same page with a prenup. For love that lasts a lifetime, preparation is key. Safeguard your shared tomorrows, starting today.
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