Different Types Of Marriage Anxiety

Jun 9, 2023 | Communication, Relationships

“Is the thought of “I do” making you want to say “I… don’t think I can do this”? Turns out marriage anxiety is surprisingly common.

The biggest life milestones include graduating high school and college, getting married, and having children. Big life milestones = tons of changes = anxiety.

Let’s unpack what marriage anxiety is, why it happens, and how to get back to feeling excited about your wedding.


What is marriage anxiety?

POV: You’re in love and excited about your wedding, but instead of pure joy, you feel a nagging sense of dread. Maybe you have doubts about the relationship, fear making such a big commitment, or feel overwhelmed by all the wedding planning. That’s marriage anxiety.

It’s Not Just Cold Feet: Marriage anxiety is more than pre-wedding jitters. It’s a persistent, intense worry that casts a shadow over what should be a happy time.

How it Feels: Marriage anxiety can show up in many ways:

  • Mental: Racing thoughts, difficulty focusing, second-guessing your decision to marry.
  • Emotional: Feeling irritable, sad, or just generally “off.”
  • Physical: Trouble sleeping, increased heart rate, changes in appetite, even panic attacks.

Why It’s Important to Address It: Ignoring marriage anxiety won’t make it go away. It could strain your relationship or even lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms. The good news is there are ways to manage it!


Different types of marriage anxiety

Marriage anxiety is not a one-size-fits-all situation. There are different types of marriage anxiety, and knowing which one applies to you is important in knowing how to address it. Here are the different forms marriage anxiety can take: 

  • Pre-Wedding Jitters: Normal worry turns into intense anxiety that disrupts your life. It’s about the magnitude, not just feeling a little nervous.
  • Post-Wedding Blues: Letdown after the big event is over. This can be due to unrealistic expectations or deeper emotional issues.
  • Infidelity Anxiety: Research shows that around 20-25% of married men cheat, and 10-15% of married women cheat. A fear of cheating is not uncommon.
  • Conflict Anxiety: You may have grown up around marital conflict, which now leads you to be so afraid of arguments that you avoid addressing issues, which harms the relationship long-term.
  • Commitment Anxiety: Deep-seated fear of committing to one person. This can cause sabotage or difficulty with intimacy, hurting the bond.

Why Identifying Matters: Knowing the TYPE of anxiety you’re facing helps you target the root cause and find the right coping strategies.

Causes of marriage anxiety

So, where does the marriage anxiety come from? It’s rarely just one thing that causes marriage anxiety. Here are some key sources:

  • Unrealistic Expectations: The media, family experiences, or your own dreams can create a fantasy that clashes with real-life marriage.
  • Money Worries: Weddings are expensive, kids are expensive, houses are expensive, and financial stress is a major strain on marriages, according to data.
  • Communication Fears: If you struggle to express yourself or resolve conflict, the thought of lifelong communication can be daunting.
  • Fear of Cheating: Statistics can be scary on just how frequent cheating is in marriages, especially if you have past trust issues.
  • Conflict Avoidance: Coming from a chaotic background can make you terrified of arguments, even healthy ones needed for a strong marriage.
  • Past Trauma: If you have unresolved emotional issues, they can resurface when you make a big life commitment.
  • Fear of Change: Marriage IS a huge shift. If you hate change, this may trigger anxiety.
  • Commitment Issues: Past pain or a general fear of being tied down can make marriage feel overwhelming.
  • Societal Pressure: Feeling like you have to live up to a “perfect” image of marriage can take a toll.

Anxious woman sitting looking at the floor Different Types Of Marriage Anxiety

Symptoms of marriage anxiety

Now that you’re well-informed on marriage anxiety, let’s talk about how marriage anxiety can manifest as physical or mental symptoms: 

  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Panic attacks
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irrational thoughts
  • Obsessive behavior
  • Avoidance behavior
  • Physical symptoms (headaches, stomachaches, etc.)

These symptoms are often true for any type of anxiety, not just marriage anxiety. If you are feeling any of these things, and they begin to hinder your daily life, you should consider seeking treatment. 


Treatment options for marriage anxiety

Treating marriage anxiety depends on the specific type and severity of the symptoms. Some treatment options include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): One type of therapy that helps individuals identify and combat negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to anxiety through different exercises and techniques. 
  • Talk therapy: Discussing and navigating through your stresses, anxieties, and worries with a licensed therapist can be a great option.
  • Mindfulness meditation: A tool that involves helping you focus on the present moment and accepting your thoughts and emotions without judging yourself.
  • Medication: Sometimes, medication may be prescribed to alleviate anxiety or OCD symptoms.
  • Couples therapy: A type of therapy that you attend with your significant other that focuses on improving communication and conflict resolution skills in the relationship.
  • Lifestyle changes: Making lifestyle changes, such as adding exercise, healthy eating, and stress management into your daily routine, can sometimes help reduce anxiety symptoms.

It’s important to seek help if marriage anxiety is impacting one’s daily life and relationship to a negative level. Professional support can provide valuable tools and strategies to manage anxiety and improve one’s overall well-being.



You’re not alone. Marriage anxiety (whether before or during) is quite common. It can be subtle or extremely difficult to manage. When it starts affecting your daily life, you should consider seeking professional help. 

Recognizing the different types of marriage anxiety and their causes and symptoms is essential to address them appropriately and prevent them from affecting one’s relationship. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about marriage anxiety

Q: Is it normal to have pre-wedding jitters?

A: Yes, it’s normal to have some level of pre-wedding jitters due to the significant life change that’s about to happen. However, excessive anxiety can impact one’s ability to enjoy the engagement period, and if that’s happening to you, you should consider seeking treatment.


Q: How can I manage conflict anxiety in my marriage?

A: Managing conflict anxiety in a marriage may include improving communication and conflict resolution skills through individual therapy, couples therapy, practicing mindfulness, and more.


Q: Can marriage anxiety be treated?

A: Yes, marriage anxiety can be treated through various approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, talk therapy, medication, couples therapy, and lifestyle changes.


Q: How do I know if I have commitment anxiety?

A: Commitment anxiety can manifest in various ways, such as avoiding getting married, sabotaging the relationship, struggling with intimacy, and finding it hard to be vulnerable. Seeking professional help can oftentimes help you work through your commitment anxiety. 


Q: Can marriage anxiety impact my overall well-being?

A: Yes, marriage anxiety can impact one’s mental and emotional well-being, as well as their relationship with their partner. Seeking help can provide valuable tools and strategies to manage anxiety and improve one’s overall well-being.


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