The 3 Best Ways To Celebrate Your AnniversaryđŸ„‚

Jan 29, 2022 | Prenuptial Agreements, Relationships, Wedding

When your wedding anniversary rolls around, you’ll probably want to have some way to celebrate the occasion. Whether you’ve been married for one year or several decades, reaching this milestone should be exciting each year. There is nothing worse than trying to think of something special for your anniversary and coming up with nothingÂ đŸ€Ż

To make sure that doesn’t happen to you, we have a few great anniversary ideas to share. Even if the finances are a little tight, there are still so many ways you can spend this special day with your spouse! No matter what you choose to do for your anniversary, the most important thing is spending time with your partner and recognizing the amount of time you’ve spent doing life together! So read on to find your perfect anniversary celebration option, love birds!

1. Surprise Your Spouse

If you have yet to plan anything for your anniversary together, take this opportunity to start planning it secretly. If your spouse likes surprises, this will be the right way to go. Act casually as the day nears, and then spring into action! The type of surprise you plan will be entirely up to what you and your spouse enjoy.

One option is a romantic night in. When your spouse gets home, you’ll have the ultimate night in setup ready. This can include flowers, candles, a blanket fort in the living room, and your favorite foods. You can watch a movie or play a board game or video game, depending on what you enjoy most.

Another surprise could be planning a picnic in the park. Pack a basket with you and your spouse’s favorite snacks and drinks, then put it in your car or hide it somewhere your spouse won’t see it. Grab a blanket and tell your partner you have a little surprise. Then pick your favorite park or outdoor spot and enjoy! The whole point of this idea is to use the fun element of surprise to make your anniversary celebration even more special.

Related: Want to better understand how to talk about a prenuptial agreement?

2. Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

This next anniversary idea will be really entertaining if you’re looking to get nostalgic. It’s always nice to look back on where you and your partner started and remember good times. Reminiscing is a great way to bond with your spouse and be reminded of how long you’ve loved each other. Depending on how far you live from your nostalgic places, this anniversary celebration can go one of two ways.

If you live relatively close to any of these places, you can visit: where you first met, where you went on your first date, where you got engaged, or where you got married. Or really anywhere else you’ve made amazing memories as a couple. This won’t be too difficult if you live in the same place or if it’s only a short drive away. You can plan a whole day of visiting nostalgic places and eating at your favorite restaurants. By the end of the day, you just may find yourself feeling younger!

Don’t fret if it’s not possible for you to visit these places in person. Another option is to have a day of reminiscing at home. Break out the photo albums, watch an old movie you both love, dance to your wedding song, or even recreate your first date. Bring back the excitement of your first date, whether you went to the movies or ate at a beloved restaurant. The important thing here is to do something with your partner that makes you both look back on your relationship and how far you’ve come.

3. Have a Feel-Good Day

Or you can use your anniversary as an excuse to do all your favorite things! Why not, it’s a day for you to celebrate and enjoy, right? You can plan a day full of fun: bike riding, hiking, a picnic, fishing, shopping, visiting your favorite coffee shop, and so on. Or you can make it a low-key day at home relaxing and doing your favorite hobbies together.

Take time to do some baking, painting, reading, having a movie marathon, or whatever it is you like to do. Whether you do ten different activities or just stay on the couch all day, it only matters that you and your spouse enjoy each other’s company and enjoy your day.

Sometimes life can be so hectic that we forget to just enjoy ourselves. Use this day as an opportunity to see each other truly happy: doing what you love to do and being with the person you love most. Maybe you need to truly get some rest, or rediscover what it’s like to laugh together. Whatever you’ve been missing, maybe having a feel-good day will help you bring those things back and refresh your marriage while you celebrate such a milestone.

Reflecting on Prenup Choices

If you find yourself reflecting on choices you made before you got married, now is as good a time as any to have those discussions with your spouse. Er, maybe not on your anniversary, but you get what we mean. You can’t go back in time and get a prenup. But if you and your spouse decide an agreement is something that will benefit you, getting a postnuptial agreement would be something you may consider!

Whether you have financial concerns or just want to have an agreement outlined in the case of financial disagreements, you may consider a postnuptial agreement. While it may not seem like it, a postnuptial agreement can help improve financial transparency in a marriage if you are having disagreements. If this is something you find yourself considering, talk with your spouse and learn more together before you move forward. We have resources like this article to help give you useful information.

You are writing your life story. Get on the same page with a prenup. For love that lasts a lifetime, preparation is key. Safeguard your shared tomorrows, starting today.
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