Mercury Is in Retrograde… Here’s What This Might Mean for Relationships

Sep 11, 2022 | Relationships, Texas Prenups, Wedding

“Ugh, is Mercury in retrograde again?!” Whether you’ve said this yourself or heard a friend (or your partner) say it, you can safely assume it is time to brace yourself for the chaos and communication blunders that are likely to ensue during the upcoming Mercury retrograde, both personally and in your relationships.

But what does this really mean? To put it simply, a few times a year the fast-moving planet of Mercury appears to slow down and move backwards. While Mercury doesn’t actually start orbiting backward during this time, it is a phenomenon that seems to throw everything and everyone off.

Let’s discuss how Mercury in retrograde may have an effect on your relationships based on your Zodiac signs.


Zodiac + Retrograde + Relationships

For those who closely follow astrology, Mercury is known as the planet of communication. So, it makes sense why communicating with your partner during retrograde might all of a sudden feel like a constant battle of not knowing what to say or saying the wrong thing. Let’s take a look at what you can expect and how you can navigate these few weeks of retrograde based on your sign.


Fire signs during retrograde: Expect some turbulence

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius – your natural passion and energy can be a superpower, but during Mercury retrograde, watch out for miscommunications and bruised egos. Here’s what to expect:

Aries: The Communication Struggle
Your usual directness might feel like it’s hitting a wall. If you find your partner seems forgetful or isn’t listening, take a deep breath. Instead of getting frustrated, gently remind them of plans or re-state important conversations.

Leo: Pride vs. Peace
Your strong sense of self might make it harder to admit fault during disagreements. To keep things smooth, sometimes a temporary “my bad” is worth it, even if you don’t believe it 100%. This is NOT about being a doormat; just choosing your battles wisely.

Sagittarius: Rehashing the Past
You may feel compelled to resolve lingering issues. Aim for productive conversations, not assigning blame. Use “I feel…” statements to express your needs without triggering defensiveness in your partner.

For All Fire Signs:

  • Blame Mercury: Reminding yourself (and your partner!) that Mercury retrograde is messing with everyone’s heads can reduce tension.
  • Patience is Key: Delays, misunderstandings, and short tempers are likely. Lower your expectations for a few weeks.
  • Focus on Fun: Plan activities that channel your fiery energy positively to avoid it causing relationship conflict.

Earth signs: Finding stability during retrograde

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, your grounded nature is an asset, but retrograde can disrupt your inner peace. Here’s how to navigate the chaos:

Taurus: Manage Change-Induced Stress
Your love of routine makes sudden shifts feel extra jarring. To avoid lashing out, identify stress triggers in advance. Practice calming techniques (deep breathing, etc.) and openly communicate your needs to your partner.

Virgo: Don’t Let Doubt Win
Your analytical mind may overthink relationships right now. Focus on the positive patterns in your connection. If concerns are valid, address them directly with your partner when retrograde passes for a clearer perspective.

Capricorn: Work-Life Balance is Key
You may bury yourself in work to avoid relationship anxieties. Set boundaries to ensure quality time with loved ones. Explain that this is temporary and you value the relationship, even if focus is temporarily divided.

For All Earth Signs:

  • Grounding Activities: Nature walks, gardening, or physical activities help release tension.
  • Open Communication: Be honest with your partner about feeling off-balance. Their reassurance can go a long way.
  • Routine Where Possible: Maintain small, predictable daily habits to create a sense of control amidst the larger chaos.

Air signs: Adapting to retrograde’s challenges

Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius – your intellectual nature is a strength, but retrograde might leave you feeling scattered. Here’s how to stay grounded:

Gemini: Combat Restlessness, Not Your Partner
Your natural energy may make you feel restless, which could spill over into your relationship. Channel that energy into fun activities with your partner. Be mindful of overthinking – open communication soothes doubts.

Libra: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Uncertainty can trigger anxieties about bigger life issues. Focus on what YOU can control in your relationship. If specific worries (finances, etc.) are causing stress, tackle them as a team post-retrograde.

Aquarius: Prioritize Connection
You might feel pulled in many directions, straining your usual independence. Counteract this by proactively planning quality time with your partner. Reassure them that your busyness isn’t a reflection of your feelings.

For All Air Signs:

  • Mental Breaks: Meditation, journaling, or simply unplugging can help calm overactive minds.
  • Talk it Out: Verbalizing your anxieties to your partner builds understanding and offers them a chance to provide support.
  • Focus on the Present: Enjoy simple pleasures with loved ones to avoid spiraling into future-focused worries.

Water signs: Protecting your emotional well-being

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces – your deep empathy makes you extra sensitive to retrograde’s disruptive energy. Here’s how to safeguard your emotional needs:

Cancer: Need for Space vs. Withdrawal
The urge to retreat is strong but could be misinterpreted by your partner. Explain that needing alone time is about recharging, NOT rejecting them. Offer reassurance and plan quality time for when you feel more social.

Scorpio: Introspection Needs Balance
Looking inward is healthy, but don’t isolate yourself completely. Let your partner know you need some self-focus time, but reiterate your commitment to the relationship. Schedule check-ins to stay connected.

Pisces: Don’t Let Intuition Become Doubt
Your intuition may pick up on subtle shifts, leading to overthinking. Avoid letting worries fester – open, honest talks with your partner can offer clarity and prevent spiraling anxieties.

For All Water Signs:

  • Emotional Outlets: Journaling, creative expression, or spending time in nature can help process feelings.
  • Share, Don’t Suppress: Let your partner know you’re feeling a bit vulnerable due to retrograde, so they don’t take it personally.
  • Empathy for Each Other: Remember, your partner may be struggling too. Offer support and understanding, strengthening the bond.

Navigating retrograde’s relationship challenges

It’s true – retrograde ups the odds of misunderstandings and friction. In fact, one-third of singles stop dating completely during retrograde. It’s a real damper on relationships! Here’s how to minimize the fallout for your relationship:

  • Take a Deep Breath: Things feel extra tense for EVERYONE. Before reacting to a partner’s grumpiness, remember, it may be the planet talking, not them.
  • Postpone Big Talks: If possible, wait for retrograde to pass before making major relationship decisions or hashing out sensitive issues. Clearer thinking is likely later.
  • Choose Your Battles: Is this a true conflict, or just a Mercury-fueled blip? Let minor annoyances slide instead of making them a fight.
  • Focus on Repair, Not Blame: If conflict DOES happen, prioritize sincere apologies and moving forward together. Emphasize that you value the relationship more than being “right.”

HelloPrenup is here for you

At the end of the day, while everything is seemingly going haywire while Mercury is in retrograde, one thing you can count on is the law… that is, getting a prenuptial agreement. Regardless of how complicated your relationship gets, if you plan on getting married, a prenup can be your safety net. A prenup can ensure that your assets, whether pre-existing or future, are protected.

Sign up today and get started on co-creating your future & protecting your ass(ets)! 

You are writing your life story. Get on the same page with a prenup. For love that lasts a lifetime, preparation is key. Safeguard your shared tomorrows, starting today.
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